In July 2024, Italy experienced notable shifts in its labor market, with increases in both employed and inactive populations, while the number of unemployed individuals decreased.
The employment landscape saw a modest rise, with the number of employed persons increasing by 0.2% (+56,000) compared to the previous month. This growth was across all age groups and genders, with the exception of the 25-34 age bracket, which saw a decline in employment. Consequently, the overall employment rate edged up to 62.3%, reflecting a 0.1 percentage point increase.
Italy Labor Market Employment & Unemployment in July 2024
In contrast, the unemployment figures presented a positive trend. The number of unemployed persons fell by 6.1% (-107,000) across all demographics, leading to a reduction in the unemployment rate to 6.5%, down by 0.4 percentage points. Additionally, the youth unemployment rate decreased to 20.8%, a drop of 0.6 percentage points.
The inactivity rate for individuals aged 15-64 also saw an uptick of 0.6% (+73,000). This increase was driven by higher inactivity among men, women, and those aged 25-49. Conversely, inactivity declined among individuals aged 15-24 and those 50 and older. As a result, the inactivity rate climbed to 33.3%, up by 0.2 percentage points.
Comparing the period from May to July 2024 with the previous quarter (February to April 2024), employment rose by 0.3% (+83,000). Quarterly data also revealed a decrease in the number of unemployed persons by 4.5% (-82,000) and an increase in the number of inactive individuals aged 15-64 by 0.5% (+64,000).
Year-on-year, July 2024 saw a 2.1% increase in employed persons (+490,000), affecting both genders and all age groups except 15-24 year-olds. The employment rate rose by 1.0 percentage points. Over the same period, unemployment dropped significantly by 16.7% (-334,000), while inactivity among those aged 15-64 grew slightly by 0.2% (+21,000).
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